Saturday, July 17, 2010


The main reason I'm here in the Gulf Coast right now is because I just had my wedding!

So of course I wanted to say a few words about it:)

I don't want to go on and on too much, trust me I could. I just feel so blessed and lucky. I've been in relationships in the past and thought I was in love, but I know now I never was. Michael showed me what true love really is. He is my best friend and although we don't always share the same opinion on things, he respects me for having a mind of my own. He's there for me when I'm having a bad day, and he gives me time to myself when I need it. I trust him completely in every way. I've never had that kind of trust in any other relationship I've been in. He supports me following my dreams, whatever they are that day :o) Even though I was a horrible girlfriend the first time we dated back when I was 16 and he was 18.

We dated for a summer and then he left for the Marines. Me being a Junior in high school, I just couldn't wait for that long. A whole 3 months! but I'm actually really glad it didn't work out back then. because I'm sure we wouldn't have stayed together. I'm glad we both got to go out and experince life and everything that's out there in the world. I've been out there, I've experienced it all, and now I know for fact that he is the one for me! Jackson was only 5 months old when I found Michael on myspace and invited him over for dinner. It was the 4th of July 2006. We sat on my porch and watched the neighbors shooting off fireworks<3 I couldn't believe he was there sitting with me, back in my life. From that moment on he was by my side. He moved in with me and Jackson, and he let me quit working so I could be a stay at home Mom to Jackson, which I can never repay him for. Those years at home with Jackson are so precious to me, they are just priceless. Michael supported me when I wanted to go back to school, and he supports me now as I follow my dream of being a successful photographer. He is so good to Jackson. He is basically everything I could have ever asked for and then some. Are things always perfect? No. We have shared our ups and downs like everyone, but at the end of the day we always work it out. and where ever he is will always be home to me.

Even though we've lived like a married couple for years now we finally made it official on December 23 of 2009. but I wasn't going to let him off that easy. Even though I didn't care about having a big lavish wedding, I did want to wear the white dress and walk down the aisle. Call me old fashioned, but it's something that every girl dreams about since childhood. We also wanted to have a wedding for our Grandparents and Families. But most of all in the eyes of God. My love for Michael is unconditional, and I will always be by his side. No matter how hard the bad times get, no matter how wonderful the good times are, I will be there to share whatever the future holds for us. It's us against the world. and it feels good to know he's always got my back.

ok, now to the wedding. It was very small and simple, but Lord it was still a lot of work! I understand why these women turn into Bridezillas! It's crazy stressful putting all that stuff together. and of course I wanted to do it all myself to save some cash. Which I did, but it was way too much for me to take on alone. Luckily my bestie and one of my bridesmaids, Emily came into town and helped me out a lot. She also posted a really sweet blog about the wedding. you can check it out here . I also got a lot of help from my Mom and my Aunt Carol. They set up the reception area for me and they did a really beautiful job. My maid of honor and best friend since childhood, Ashley did my hair for me. Which was such a blessing because I wouldn't have had a clue what to do with it on my own. Michael's brother Drew performed "Hallelujah" during the ceremony and "Across the Universe" for our first dance. He is such a talented musician, and it really meant a lot to me and Michael to have him sing for us on our day. Jackson always wants to go watch Uncle Andrew's music videos online. He wants to learn to play guitar just like him. You can check out Drew's website here Michael's Dad is the Pastor at Good Hope Congregational in Baker, FL and we were honored to have him marry us there. My aunt Carol and cousin Kyle also helped me out a ton by taking some photos for me with my cameras. Being a photographer myself of course I'm super picky, and for what we were spending on the whole wedding, I just couldn't afford to spend the kind of money it would have taken to book one of the photographers I love. I'm going to do a Newlywed or Day After session with one of my favorite photographers, and that's something I can afford! But Carol and Kyle did pretty darn good for not being photographers! and of course I did the editing.

All in all I couldn't have asked for anything more. To me it was perfect. I'm so thankful for all of our friends and family that came and shared this special day with us. It meant the world to us to have all of you there. I will never forget how I felt when Michael read his vows to me. In that moment I felt like the most loved girl in the world. It was everything I wanted my wedding to be. and we didn't have to go into debt to have it!! :o)

and here's my day in pictures....

This is Ashley being her silly self. and me getting my hair did :)

Reading a note from Michael:)

Of course taking some time to take a few pics.

Getting the dress on, it's almost that time!!!

Make-up and Hair done. I was ready to walk down the aisle!

My pretty flowergirls and handsome ring bearer.

Everyone in line waiting to go in.

The sweetest moment of my entire life<3 I love you.

We wrote our own vows.

The Kiss<3

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lea Carden

The Wedding Party

First Dance


Red Velvet Cake from J's Bakery in Pensacola, FL. YUMMMM!

not too messy:)

Ash telling on me!

Telling everyone the stories of when I used to beat her up.

but I swear she beat me too!! LOL! I just didn't end up in the ER.

Sorry:) LOVE you Ash<3

Luke, Michael's Best Man, Best Friend and Brother in Law.

Telling stories about when they served in the Marines together.

Although I'm glad he isn't still in the Marines, because I know I'm not strong enough to handle it.

I'm super proud of him and the time he spent fighting for his country.

and just like that first night back on the 4th of July in 2006, there were fireworks<3

Mommy and Action Jackson

and they lived happily ever after<3