Friday, October 15, 2010

[Kyli Grace]

There are some things in life I'll just never understand. One of them is why God calls on the young and innocent. Why any parent should go through the pain of losing a child? But I know one day I will understand. 

I was lucky enough to work with Kyli and her Family in July. I never thought at the time that would be the last time I would see her. Kyli passed away on August 25th of this year. Just a week or so past her first birthday. 

I made this slideshow for her Mommy, Tara. I know she is going through the worst pain there is. Tara, I know there is nothing I can do to comfort you or help relieve the pain, but I hope this reminds you of happy times and warms your soul knowing what a happy child she was while she was here. 

If you are a parent, give your kiddos an extra kiss tonight for Kyli<3

Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Wright Wedding Teaser {Magnolia Plantation in Charleston,SC}

Lots of Love for these two! I was honored to be a part of such a beautiful day. You are so in love and it shines through in everything you do. Never change. I hope to take photos of your 10th, 20th, & who knows.....maybe 50th anniversary, God willing! Love you both! Many Blessings your way! and in a few years when that first "little miracle" comes along you know who to call=) I can't wait to meet Baby Wright<3

Carrie Olson Carden

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Family Portrait Photographer.........LOL

Okay, even us photographers need to have a little fun sometimes too. This was just too funny not to share. If you are a photographer I'm sure you could relate to this video at least at some point in your career. but like I always say, don't let the bad eggs get you down too much, because for every ONE of them, there are TEN amazing clients that you will probably end up even staying friends with for years to come.

Hope you got a few laughs out of this too:) Happy Thursday! and Happy Fall! LOVING this weather!


PS. The Wright Wedding Teaser will be the next blog post!!! 

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Love, Skin, & Secrets

I know the title probably made you think "what the heck is this blog post going to be about"? Well don't worry, I'm keeping it fairly clean. =)

I've been reflecting a lot this week. Different things have happened, you know, the daily drama of life. One thing that I kept coming back to in all my sadness and self-pity is how extremely lucky I am to have such an amazing husband. I seriously feel guilty for complaining about anything when I get to do what I love for a living and I'm married to my soul mate and best friend. Still, I bitch. I get down on myself and mope around the house and feel sorry for myself and whatever petty nonsense I'm stressing myself over that day. I swear, I'm not lying when I say I got lucky when I married Michael. I can be one of the hardest people to be with, or live with for that matter. I'm moody. but not to focus only on the bad with me, I do have a few good moments. When I'm not being a mope, I'm pretty dang funny and creative. I get excited about the little things. and happy about the little things. I can't lie very well. I can't hide my emotions, like AT ALL. some could see that as a negative thing, but I think it's actually a good thing. It makes it easy to be real with everyone about how I feel. just sucks when other people aren't the same. I just don't get it? because I'm not like that, so how can they be like that? yeah, third grade thinking here. and typing because I go between capitalizing words at the beginning of sentences, to not capitalizing words at the beginning of the sentence whenever I feel like it. okay, let me get back on topic!! jeez. 

In my week of self loathing I kept coming back to love. how the one thing that always pulls me through my crap is love. the love of my husband, the love of my son, the love of my dog, the love of strangers. it's the love that always gets me up in the morning and gives me the strength to take on the day. "God, thank you for that." I went a long time thinking I must have really done something to tick God off because my life was just in shambles. I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I couldn't see things ever being any different than they were then. but when I had Jackson all that changed and ever since the day he came into this world life has been better. Now I always think "God, what did I do to deserve to have it this good?"

Michael, Jackson and I are heading to Charleston, SC tomorrow!! The place of my birth! I haven't been back since I was one, so needless to say I don't remember much about it. I'm so stoked to see it. I've always wanted to go back. and just think about that, my job brought me to a place I've always wanted to go, but just never did. I guess it was just meant to be=) I'm  also VERY excited to shoot this wedding. I haven't photographed a wedding in over a year. not sure why I had a dry spell like that, but it doesn't matter now! I have a wedding on Tuesday, I'm ready to use my new camera and my new lighting equipment, and rock out some amazing wedding photos!! The couple, Alicia and Chris are so cute. They leave little love notes (comments) to each other on Facebook every day. It's so sweet! I know it's going to be a beautiful day and I'm honored to be a part of it. I've been searching for inspiration this weekend. Whether it's other photographers work, or music, or a music video. Which my inspiration of the moment is! It's a new video by Seal, called "Secret." I think it's the second video that's been made for the single. It's with his knockout of a wife Heidi Klum. It's done in all black and white. which I think was a good choice for the video. I don't know what exactly it is, but there is just something about this video I love. They are a gorgeous couple of course, but it's something about the skin. all the skin they show, but it's not in a sexual way really. it's in more of a pure way. classic. that really inspires me. Shooting weddings are my favorite. because of ...... you guessed it, love. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the look in the Bride or Groom's eye when they are saying their vows. At that moment they know this is the one person for them, and they are making that pledge for God and the world to see. LOVE is a powerful thing<3

so here's the video. hope you love it too=) and I'll be back in a few days with some photos of Charleston!!!
and remember, love is all you need<3

                                                         xoxo, Carrie

PS. how do you like the new look of the blog??? =)