Wednesday, May 12, 2010

everytime I need it

Everytime I think I'm having a hard day, or someone puts me down, or life is getting to feel more like a chore than a gift, God throws something at me to wake me up. This video woke me up. I learned about "Wish Upon a Wedding" a month or two ago and was just blown away. The organization just started this year and I think it's such a wonderful thing.

When they got to the part about dating when they were younger and her finding him years later on Myspace I just lost it. Michael and I dated in high school and split up when he joined the marines. Seven years later I found him on Myspace. and now we are about to have our wedding. It just really hit home to me how blessed I am. Hope it touches your heart as well. and PLEASE go to to find out how you can help!!!


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