Monday, May 10, 2010

Waiting on a Miracle [ Maternity & Newborn Photography ]

I actually met Skyelynn at Walker Elementary School. I love that about my job. It's so cool photographing people I have known since childhood. I think the last time I had seen her was probably middle school since we went to different high schools.Thanks to my best friends Myspace and Facebook I have been able to reconnect with old friends:) I contacted Skye when I saw she was expecting and we set up a maternity session from there. All maternity sessions are very special moments to capture because it's such a beautiful time in a woman's life. but Skye's pics were a little more special for me because I knew her husband was away serving in the military. So these were moments that he wasn't able to be there in person to see. I really wanted to capture the beauty of Skye and the baby growing inside her for him:) Watching a pregnant woman grow with each month is like watching a flower grow and bloom in the Spring. Jeff and Skyelynn decided to wait to find out the sex of the baby, and so she called him "chipmunk" at the time of the shoot:) adorable! and even though Jeff wasn't able to take part, their super cute dog Freedom joined in on the fun for a few shots. I have to say he was one of the most well behaved dogs I've ever been around. so Skye, can ya give the rest of us your tips please?!! :)

Ok, now this next one was just an idea I had been dying to try. Not really sure if I pulled it off or not. I get mixed reviews on it. but I like it:) and I was trying to show "Mother Earth" in a way that I think people should look at it. We live in precious world and we have to try to be more delicate with it!

Now back to the real story! This next one is so special. Lincoln's Daddy is in the military, as I mentioned before, and if you look close you can see that little baby Lincoln is actually saluting!!! How perfect is that?!! Just Priceless.

Now this brings me to the next chapter of this story. I already mentioned that I went to elementary school with Skyelynn as a child. Well we also went to grade school with a friend of ours Saira Mir. Now she is an OB/GYN and got to be part of bringing Lincoln Moses into the world!!! How AWESOME is that!!! I just thought it must have been so wonderful for Skye and Saira to experience that together after all these years. 

So I won't keep you in suspense any longer!!! Here is Jeff and Skye's little miracle........... Lincoln Moses Culver, born on March 24, 2010. 

Skyelynn, I feel truly blessed and honored to have been a part of such a special and happy time in you and your family's life. From getting to photograph you when you were expecting, to getting to photograph beautiful baby Lincoln when he arrived, the whole experience has been just wonderful for me. I could tell about five minutes into Lincoln's newborn shoot that Skyelynn was born to be a Mommy. I am so glad you finally have the little miracle that you've been waiting for:) Anytime you need new pics of that sweetie pie you know where I am!

xoxo, Carrie

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing photographer - you have a way at capturing moments of my family that I never want to forget! Thank you for the blog 'highlight'!! :)
