Friday, August 13, 2010

Fix-It Friday #66

I was in need of some inspiration today. lots of editing going on at this momma's house. which I don't want to whine about because it means I'm working, and that's a GREAT thing. I'm so blessed to have images to work on!

But as a little break I did the Fix it Friday Challenge at today:)



This guy is a little cutie so that makes the editing a fun process! and just in case you don't know how this works, this is NOT MY PHOTO. This image owns to one of the wonderful ladies that run I heart faces. Just wanted to make the completely clear so there is no confusion.

Now let me explain how I got there. First off, I always upload my images to Adobe Lightroom 2.7 and that's where I start with them. In Lightroom I adjusted the contrast a bit and the tone curve, bringing down the darks and shadows some.

 Once I was done in Lightroom I exported the image, and then opened it in Adobe Photoshop CS2. To start in Photoshop, I used the clone stamp to edit out the other child's arm and hair on the right side of the image.

 Next I used Oeil Photography's Tilt Shift Action.

 Next I used Pioneer Woman's "Flatten" action.

Then I used Oeil Photography's Eye Pop Action at 60% on each eye. (AMAZING!)

Next used Totally Rad Actions "Pro Retouch" Action to make his cheeks nice and smooth. that toned down the redness and veins as well. I only used it on his cheek area though, not over his whole face. Since he's a kid he's still got that nice young beautiful skin! No need to fix areas that aren't broke:)

 ok, back on track here. Next I used a texture that I got from Neil Cowley's blog "Make Light Real" a while back. I used it ALL the time it! It's a beautiful glowing golden texture. So I use it in all kinds of ways to warm up images that are on the cool side.

 Then I played with the curves a little. I usually do that anytime I use a texture.

 Next I used Totally Rad Action's "=Contast (Luma)" at 40%. Lastly, Totally Rad Actions "Vignetted and Blur (HQ)" way down at 15%.

and there you have it :)

I am definitely no expert so forgive me if I didn't do a good job at explaining everything! I'm just in it for the fun, but if I did help you or show you something you didn't know before than that's awesome!

you can find the actions listed at the following sites:

Happy Friday, and Happy Editing!!! XOXOXO

Carrie Olson Carden

To Join in the fun visit

Monday, August 09, 2010

Alicia and Chris

one of the things I love most about my job is getting to capture people in love. there is nothing like it. I try to just sit back and  let them be themselves. well, as much as you can when a person with a camera stuck to their face is following you around. one thing I've noticed though is that the ones that really have that spark, that real connection between them, it doesn't seem to matter who is around. that love shines through. and it's such a beautiful thing to witness.

Meet Alicia and Chris.

Alicia and Chris I had a wonderful time working on this session with you. and I can't wait to go to Charleston, SC to shoot your wedding this fall!!! I was born in Charleston and moved away when I was one, and I've never been back. so not only do I get to go shoot a beautiful wedding, I get to see the place I was born. Thank You Alicia and Chris for choosing me to be there on your big day! see you soon!! :)

Carrie Olson Carden