Friday, August 13, 2010

Fix-It Friday #66

I was in need of some inspiration today. lots of editing going on at this momma's house. which I don't want to whine about because it means I'm working, and that's a GREAT thing. I'm so blessed to have images to work on!

But as a little break I did the Fix it Friday Challenge at today:)



This guy is a little cutie so that makes the editing a fun process! and just in case you don't know how this works, this is NOT MY PHOTO. This image owns to one of the wonderful ladies that run I heart faces. Just wanted to make the completely clear so there is no confusion.

Now let me explain how I got there. First off, I always upload my images to Adobe Lightroom 2.7 and that's where I start with them. In Lightroom I adjusted the contrast a bit and the tone curve, bringing down the darks and shadows some.

 Once I was done in Lightroom I exported the image, and then opened it in Adobe Photoshop CS2. To start in Photoshop, I used the clone stamp to edit out the other child's arm and hair on the right side of the image.

 Next I used Oeil Photography's Tilt Shift Action.

 Next I used Pioneer Woman's "Flatten" action.

Then I used Oeil Photography's Eye Pop Action at 60% on each eye. (AMAZING!)

Next used Totally Rad Actions "Pro Retouch" Action to make his cheeks nice and smooth. that toned down the redness and veins as well. I only used it on his cheek area though, not over his whole face. Since he's a kid he's still got that nice young beautiful skin! No need to fix areas that aren't broke:)

 ok, back on track here. Next I used a texture that I got from Neil Cowley's blog "Make Light Real" a while back. I used it ALL the time it! It's a beautiful glowing golden texture. So I use it in all kinds of ways to warm up images that are on the cool side.

 Then I played with the curves a little. I usually do that anytime I use a texture.

 Next I used Totally Rad Action's "=Contast (Luma)" at 40%. Lastly, Totally Rad Actions "Vignetted and Blur (HQ)" way down at 15%.

and there you have it :)

I am definitely no expert so forgive me if I didn't do a good job at explaining everything! I'm just in it for the fun, but if I did help you or show you something you didn't know before than that's awesome!

you can find the actions listed at the following sites:

Happy Friday, and Happy Editing!!! XOXOXO

Carrie Olson Carden

To Join in the fun visit


  1. Love this edit! Thanks for sharing! Amazing blog too! :)

  2. Very nice and thanks for dropping my my photography site. ♥

  3. ooh, I love! Only working in LR right now but taking a CS5 class this fall so I will be dropping back to follow your step by step :)
