Thursday, April 29, 2010

And Baby B makes 7 [ family portrait photography ]

Julee and two of her children were my very first "subjects" back three years ago when I started on this adventure. I totally lucked out because Rylee and Tison are such naturally beautiful children. I knew Julee back in high school and through Myspace we connected and she was brave enough to let me practice with her kids:). and for being my very first session EVER, and one that I did with a POINT AND SHOOT (AH the horror!! I know, I know!) I don't think I did too bad. But it definitely helped having such cuties to work with. So since then Julee has seen me go from an amateur, completely new to the business and quite clueless if I do say so myself, to where I am today. Still pretty new to the business with much to learn, but definitely at a different level than what I was at when we did that first session. but we all have to start somewhere, and while Julee has seen me progress and change over the past few years, all the while I have had the joy of watching her family grow and blossom right in front of my lens. Julee met and married a wonderful guy named Derek. and they are head over heels in love with each other. (any of you who know them personally know exactly what I'm talking about) They write each other little love notes on facebook:) it's just so sweet to watch! You can just tell they're crazy about each other. and just like Julee, Derek also had two beautiful children of his own, Dayton and Bailey. So when they married they had 4 children together. and then God blessed them with another little miracle named Braxton. and that's when they became a party of seven:)

OH and it was that crazy week this year when it snowed in Florida! but we used it to our advantage of course;)

and my personal favorite from the session would have to be this shot. The look on Julee's face is priceless, and so her. I think the image shows the chaos of having five children, but also the beauty of unconditional love and happiness. Which is what Fam[ily] is all about<3

I am so happy for you, Julee and Derek! and I am so thankful that I got to witness these precious moments and capture the beginning of this new chapter in your life. I would love to capture many more in your beautiful and growing family's future! You are wonderful parents, and the thoughtfulness you show each other in your marriage is an inspiration to all. I wish you nothing but more love and happiness down the road.


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