Thursday, September 09, 2010

Portrait of a Survivor

I got a nice surprise when out of the blue I got a call from my Aunt Carol (the awesome one who helped me out big time and took pics at my wedding and helped set everything up) saying that she was in town with her best friend Michelle and Michelle wanted to do a session. but this wasn't going to be just any session. These have to be the most moving photos I've ever taken to date. Michelle is battling breast cancer. but this lady is one tough cookie!! As we were walking out on the beach she told me she had just went through her last round of chemo a few days ago. I couldn't believe it!! You would never have known it!! She just has this positive vibe that is contagious. We started the session on the beach, but weren't there for long before the bottom fell out and it came a flash flood! We got soaked to the bone. Still, Michelle was in great spirits. 

So after the rain set in we moved the shoot indoors. I am so honored to have worked on these images with Michelle. She is so brave and so strong, and beautiful inside and out.

and this last one is my personal favorite from the entire shoot. and I can't take credit for it! It was completely my Aunt Carol's idea. and what an amazing idea it was. This image is why I'm doing photography, for me this is what it's all about. It's a photograph that tells a story, it evokes emotion, and it captured a powerful moment  in time. 

Michelle, I hope these photos always remind you of how incredibly strong you are. I will never forget this session. I will never forget how positive you were even when you were probably not feeling well. You are such an inspiration to me and all other women out there. You stared fear in the face and said I just don't care<3 You are a true SURVIVOR! You will forever have a place in my heart. Words can't express how grateful I am that you chose me to do these for you. Thank you a million times over! 

xoxo Carrie

ps. check out this video and take part in "Stand up to Cancer" by tuning in to ABC, CBS, NBC, and many others tomorrow night, the evening of September 10th, at 8pm et/pt, 7pm ct. OH and DONATE!!! :)


1 comment:

  1. what a stunning shoot. what an amazing concept. what an amazing woman. everything about it is just beautiful
    Carrie :)
