Friday, March 04, 2011

{What Are Words}

I have to say after watching this week's show and now watching this video I definitely think the judges made a big mistake letting this guy go. 

But I don't think it's going to be much more than a bump in the road for him. He has the talent, he'll have a long successful career ahead of him I'm sure.

All that aside I wanted to talk about the song and video itself. Such a beautiful and powerful love song. Knowing the story behind it makes it that much more special.

I love the message. I think people these days take marriage so lightly. Those vows should be way more than just words. It seems now days people are quick to walk away when times get tough. Those are the times you need to pull together the most. 

Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a giving and caring husband. Maybe one day I will understand what I did to deserve someone so wonderful.


1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thru the big ol crocodile tears streaming down my face...I LOVE THAT SONG and his message behind it!! Thank you for sharing!
