Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby "G"

This was my second time working with Baby Greyson, third if you count the maternity shoot I did with his Mommy while he was still in her belly =)

This child does not take a bad photo. I've nicknamed him Baby "G" not for Greyson, but for Gerber Baby:) because this kid should definitely be their new spokes model! He's such a lil' cutie pie!

and this next one, yeah, now you see where he gets the nickname =)

Look at that SMILE! it just warms your heart<3

okay, now we gotta bring Mommy in for baby kisses!

Mommy soaking in all the time she can now, because they don't stay that little for long!

The Hagler Family

Mommy and Daddy sat at this same park bench for a photo during Steffany's Maternity shoot with me. Now they're back, this time seeing things in a whole new light<3

Giving you a glimpse of what it's like from Greyson's view! haha!

and one just for Mommy and Daddy<3

I love this family. They are some of the most kind and understanding people I've known. I enjoy every session I've had with them and I look forward to many more down the road and getting the chance to watch little Greyson grow up! That is unless Gerber calls and takes Greyson to Hollywood! Lots of LOVE to the Hagler Family<3

Carrie Olson Carden

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