Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[The Seifert Family Adventure]

This is the Seifert Family.Well let me tell you what, these guys were troopers! First off, we just about got rained out from the beginning and didn't think we were going to be able to even do the session, but the skies opened and it cleared up just in time. But if you've ever been to the beach in the middle of the summer right after it rains, two words will come to your mind, HOT & STICKY. But Regan, and her husband Daniel, were ready to brave what may come with the weather and their two little girls, Emma who is 3, and Nora who is just 1. Needless to say the kids were not happy with the beach for too long, but we managed to get a few shots before we called it quits and moved to a less sandy location.

Doesn't Nora's face just say it all!?! haha!



Cutting up and getting everyone's attention at the Beach =)

and it was at about this point that we were done with the beach....

We decided to move to a park where the grass was a little greener<3

and it proved to be an AWESOME idea!

Daddy playing with Nora

Emma and those big blue eyes! I love the wild eyes in children. I always wonder what they are thinking, or imagining, or dreaming. Their eyes say so much.

Mommy & Emma time<3

Mommy & Nora Time<3

even though Mommy and Daddy have their eyes closed in this one, I still can't help but love it because of Emma's face =)

checking out the dock

Daniel and Regan having Husband and Wife time<3

the kiddos were so not into this picture taking stuff anymore...

but I managed to talk them into a few more =)

did a little more dramatic edit on this image than I normally do, but it works for me. there is something I really love about it. The "realness" of it.


Pretty Girl

and one happy family once the day was done =)

Daniel, Regan, Emma, and Nora, even with the hot humid weather, sticky sand at the beach, and bugs up our noses at the park, I had a fabulous time meeting and working with you on this shoot. I would love to work with you again some day in the future! Take Care!

Carrie Olson Carden

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