Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hectic! [the life of a cocoa beach photographer]

When I started this blog I really wanted to post new stuff daily, whether it be random thoughts or photos, or advice, whatever.....just SOMETHING! well, I'm sorry because I know I am SLACKING big time right now. 

I turned 27 this past weekend. yay for me, right? but I actually don't mind getting old. and my Hubby and Jackson made the day really special for me:) We rented movies and ordered take-out and it was great.

Unfortunately this week hasn't been quite as relaxing and carefree. First off, I'm a mom to a four year old boy, so all you other mommies out there in the world know that everyday is busy when you have kids! but this week has been especially hard.

 I have all of my wisdom teeth coming in. The one on the top left side has been in for a while though and has started to give me a lot of pain. So I finally broke down and called the dentist. I go in Thursday to get the one pulled. and I hope to get the rest out in the very near future!

 also our puppy Brando decided to eat part of a rug and needless to say has been having stomach problems ever since. I'll leave out the nasty details, but he is getting better and hopefully learned a lesson!

I am in the process of wrapping up the post work on the sessions from my february trip to the Gulf Coast, and I will be posting a blog about each of them soon! and I'm also planning my next trip to the Gulf Coast in mid - April!! so if you live in the Gulf Coast area and are interested in doing a session let me know as soon as possible because I don't have very many spots left!

 In closing, I PROMISE to get back on the ball after this week!! just give me a few days to heal after Thursday and I'll be back in business. and if you have any questions or blog ideas that you would like me to touch on, I would love to hear from you!! contact me at jacksonavenuephotography@gmail.com

wish me luck at the dentist office! and I'll be back soon! Carrie

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