Sunday, March 07, 2010

"Photoshopographer" [Cocoa Beach Photographer]


I had never heard the word until just a few days ago. I read a blog written by a photographer and it listed some of the post processing "sins" that some photographers that are new to the bizz make the mistake of doing. Now, most of what I saw I agreed with. but one thing I didn't like was this word - "Photoshopographer" as if it's not good to use photoshop. I felt like she was basically saying if you are a good enough photographer you won't need photoshop. Well in my opinion she couldn't be more wrong. Why wouldn't you use such an amazing tool?? Is it going to turn a bad photo into an awesome one? NO. But it can help take a good photo to another level. There is a right and wrong way to use it. but if you know what you're doing, it can be what sets you apart from the amateurs. She also said you shouldn't start using photoshop right when you get into photography, and...well...that's exactly what I did. The first year or so my work was laughable and looked silly in some cases, but through my internship with Ryan Manthey of, and other friends and mentors, I learned more about what I was doing. Over time I learned more and more, and still do learn new things all the time. That's the thing about the photography business, it's always changing and new techniques are always being created and passed along. Most of all, time and practice are what is going to get you where you want to be, just like with any other skill. Every photographer is different and what works for some might not work for others. I think that's really important to remember when you are starting out. You can get advice from other photographers, but in the end you have to find what works for you. For me, I LOVE photoshop and I KNOW my photography would not be the same without it. I find photoshop helps bring my images to life. Here's a few examples:

Before -

After -

Before -

After -

Before -

After -

I can't even begin to tell you or show you all things and ways photoshop is AMAZING. Photoshop is to a photographer what a paintbrush is to a painter. It's not necessarily the canvas, but the tool you use to make the canvas more than it was before, or at least that's the way I feel about it:) So if using photoshop in my work makes me a "Photoshopographer" then I'm proud to be called one!



  1. AMEN!!!! I LOVE this blog post. VERY well said!!!

  2. Photoshop is so much fun and does take things to the next level. I have found that on the buisness side, I like consistency and hate spending hours "playing" with images, so my time there has gone down significantly. But I do love to play with my personal pictures. That way it doesn't feel like work:) Love the new name btw. Hope you are well and loving life! xoxoAmyQ

  3. thanks for the comments ladies! and I agree Amy, I don't play much anymore. I have a few favorite "tools" that go to photoshop for, like skin airbrushing, lighting up certain parts, sharpen for the web, and textures. but every once in awhile I get an idea and I do something crazy in photoshop. it's just nice to know it's there when I need it. I can't imagine limiting myself to just what I can create "in camera", not to mention you're making things so much harder on yourself. with photoshop you don't have to get it perfect every time. you have a back up plan! and when you shooting weddings that's a very good thing!!

    thanks again! and amy I was so happy to see the pics of Max on your blog! he is just precious! you have a beautiful family! enjoy these next few months!! I know you will:)
