Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thank God for Spring. [Cocoa Beach, FL Photographer]

I know in the last blog I said I didn't feel old, or something like that, but I was fooling myself! Yesterday I was lucky enough to have some models come out for the day, and it ended up being 8 hours of shooting before we finally called it quits for the day. Which really isn't much different than shooting a wedding, but I haven't done that in quite a while. Thank Goodness I have my first one for the year coming in May, because weddings are probably my favorite to shoot. There's just something about the way two people who are madly in love and about to start the rest of their lives together that makes for awesome photographs! ok, back on topic, here are a few of the first edits from the shoot yesterday. I'm sure I'll post more I just have to share these now! As sore as I am today it was well worth it! These Girls ROCKED it!! and it wasn't easy work! being in heels for hours on end and posing in front of random on-lookers is not exactly "comfortable." I can't say enough about how happy I am with how it turned out! Thank you Ladies SO much!!

 I've been a blog SLACKER! So I wanted to post a few of my favorites from my February Trip to the Gulf Coast in this as well. What's special about these images is they were the first sessions I did with my new Canon 50D and my new off camera lighting. and on top of that they are all also great friends of mine, so it's been a pleasure capturing special moments in their lives:)

I'm glad to finally be feeling better after my wisdom teeth problem.  There is just something about Spring that motivates me. I guess what they say about winter being depressing is true, because I can already tell a huge difference in the short time the weather has been warming up, and the sun has been staying out longer:) even though we lost an hour of sleep for a night, for us photographers it's a really good thing. Now the daylight will last later in the night and we don't have to start shoots on outside locations at 2pm. Well I am beat so that's all for now, and I want to leave you with a quote I came across this morning that really stuck out to me not only for the season, but for what is going on in the world right now, and a good way to look at hard times in life in general, "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." Anne Bradstreet.

I am looking forward to seeing all the flowers bloom and the weather get warmer and warmer! I hope all of you are enjoying your Spring Season!


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