Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's the MOON!!! [ Cocoa Beach Photography ]

Jackson decided he wanted to go out back and fish after dinner tonight. and when I walked outside and saw the moon and knew I need to go grab my camera and test out the new zoom lens my Dad got me for my birthday a few weeks back.

I was on a mission. As Jackson played with his superman fishing poll I decided it was time to get a "moon shot." Now this may not seem like a very big deal to most, but I have been wanting to get a cool photo of the moon for SOOOOO LOOOOONG! and without a zoom lens it's near impossible to get a good shot of it. or at least it was for me. Everytime I tried in the past when I just had my Rebel and the stock lens, the moon just looked like a little white dot. very disappointing. especially because I would be out on a beautiful night like this, and not being able to capture it!! that just drove me crazy!!! so I am VERY happy to announce, I took my first good photograph of the moon. drumroll................and here it is in all it's glory. [now before you look] I KNOW there are WAY better photos out there, and photographers with lenses a BILLION times better than the one I used to shoot these. but for me, these are great. and it's a small victory for me in my journey with photography.

and I thought the moonlight on the water was beautiful as well. there's just something about it that draws me in.

So, maybe not the best moon photos in the world, but the best ones this girl right here has ever taken! So here's to not giving up just because you don't get it right the first time.

Keep trying, don't ever accept no for an answer when it comes to going after your dreams, it may take a little time, but eventually if you keep moving forward you can reach your goal. Whether it's to loose weight, quit smoking, save money, go back to school, fall in love! or even as simple as to just take a picture of the moon:)  Keep chasing that next new thing you've always wanted to do!!


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